A little bit more about Marketing & Copywriting


No one knows your story better than you do, so we’ll sit you down with a professional TTL copywriter who knows just what questions to ask to bring it to life. We tell it like it is, just with a sprinkle of SEO and marketing magic on top. See below just a few examples of blocks of copy from the copy block, which was born in a writers’ block, about 15km North-East of the chip off the old block.

Brand Stories

Every person is a brand. We do the work of digging deep and finding out what your lighthouse statement is, your “why”, and turning that story into something your audience (customers) will want to be part of.

Strategy & Integration

We’ll take your story, find your tribe, and help you build a loyal customer/reader base. How? With a far-reaching brand strategy. We have a passion for creating worlds around the worlds you have created.

Graphic Design | Logo Design | Cover Design

L.I. works with a team of seasoned graphic designers, logo makers, and visual artists who take your narrative and launch it into the visual sphere. If a good copywriter can paint a picture with their words, then a brilliant designer can tell stories with an image.

A Winning Marketing Recipe

Want a winning combination? We have a not-so-secret recipe for success. The ingredients are simple: Inspiration, experience, and organisational skills. The method? Timing.